ADA Webinar: How to Eat Mindfully in a Mindless Eating World: Helping Clients Manage Weight Effectively

  • Event
  • Wednesday, November 02, 2011
How to Eat Mindfully in a Mindless Eating World: Helping Clients Manage Weight Effectively
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern

Brian Wansink, PhD, bestselling author and researcher, spoke at a packed session at FNCE 2011 and now you can hear him without leaving your office or home! Along with Susan Albers, PsyD, a noted expert in food psychology, the concepts of “mindless” and “mindful” eating will be analyzed and strategized to help you interpret these signals for your clients. How do you keep your clients (and yourself) on a healthful eating track with constant bombardments from all media regarding fast food, upsizing, coupons, etc. What are the external and environmental factors that influence “mindless” eating? In recognition of how the external environment changes internal perceptions, this teleseminar will also explore the concepts of a “mindful” eating approach and compare with the more traditional methods of controlling diet.

Learning objectives:
• Describe counseling strategies based on recent research on psychology of food choices.
• Explain how menu and food descriptions alter food patterns.
• Discuss why adding mindful eating counseling facilitates change in food choices among consumers compared with only offering nutrition information.
• Describe how the external environment changes internal perception of hunger and fullness and list techniques that can promote changes in portion size.
• Define concepts and principles of mindful eating and list examples.
• Discuss rationale for using a mindful eating approach instead of traditional dieting.
• List tips for becoming a more mindful and less mindless eater.

CPE Hours 2.0 CPE Level 2
Suggested Learning Need Codes: 7120, 8120, 6010, 8080, 4040

Early Bird rate extended through Oct. 31: $109 for ADA members

WSAND President

Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

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Marissa Beck (2024-25 Washington State President)