Academy Opportunities to Serve

  • Event
  • Saturday, January 28, 2012 - Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Volunteers for Committees
Build personal and professional contacts, increase personal satisfaction, share your skills with others, and make a difference in dietetics – serve on an Academy national committee! There are over 20 Academy committees who report to the Board of Directors (BOD), House of Delegates (HOD), or jointly to the BOD and HOD. Review the Description of Academy Committees ( to become familiar with the various opportunities.

Make Your Interests Known
If you are interested, complete the “Opportunities to Serve” survey ( to tell us about your background and interests in serving the Academy via a committee. The information you provide is critical to the President-elect and Speaker-elect for making appointments for the 2012-2013 program year (terms start June 1, 2012). Depending on the length of your responses, it may take up to 30 minutes to enter your information. However, if you use the same computer and link each time, you can complete the survey in multiple sessions.

We realize that some of you have submitted information in the past. Unfortunately, we do not have the capabilities to update your information at this time. If you have any problems with the survey, please contact Charlene Rice, Coordinator, Governance (| 800/877-1600 ext 4892).

Next Steps
The appointment process will begin in mid-March 2012. We will contact appointees to confirm acceptance of appointments. We will finalize the committee appointments by the end of April. We will continue to utilize the information submitted during the 2012-2013 program year if additional committees, task forces or work groups need to be formed. The number of volunteers can sometimes exceed what is needed for standing committees, so we may contact you to discuss other ways for you to contribute to the Academy in the future.

Thank You
Thank you in advance for your willingness to serve the Association through our committees. Your commitment to the Academy and profession are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact the HOD Governance Team mailbox at
Charlene Rice
800/877-1600 ext 4892
WSAND President

Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Welcome, members!

The 2024-2025 year presents various opportunities for you to engage and feel proud to be member of the WA Academy. As your President, I’m honored to serve you, and here to listen, learn, and collaborate with the board to meet your expectations. Tell us what you think - we want to hear from you!

Marissa Beck (2024-25 Washington State President)