ADA/IFIC Webinar: A Place on the Plate for Functional Foods: Helping Consumers Achieve Optimal Health with Diet

  • Event
  • Thursday, August 04, 2011
Consumer interest in foods that provide health and wellness benefits, or functional foods, is thriving. More than ever before, food and nutrition practitioners, including registered dietitians and dietetic technicians, registered, have been identified as critical to consumers’ success in building healthful diets. While a majority of Americans agree that certain foods have benefits related to heart health, weight management and digestive health, among others, they also cite many barriers to consuming these functional foods.

Planned with the International Food Information Council (IFIC).

IFIC has over a decade of consumer research providing insights on consumers’ attitudes, perceptions and behaviors regarding functional foods. This engaging webinar will explore IFIC’s latest findings to assist you in helping consumers overcome barriers and bridge the knowledge-behavior gap.

Overall learning objectives include:

• Define “functional foods” and give examples of foods/food components and their associated health benefits.
• Identify consumers who are most aware and likely to consume foods for their top health concerns such as heart health, weight management and cancer, among others.
• Identify consumers’ perceived barriers to consuming foods for health.
• Develop communication strategies to motivate consumers to overcome barriers and make food choices to achieve optimal health.


Marianne Smith Edge, MS, RD, LD, FADA
Senior Vice President, Nutrition and Food Safety, International Food Information Council (IFIC) and Former American Dietetic Association (ADA) President
Elizabeth Rahavi, RD
Associate Director, Health and Wellness, IFIC

CPEU Hours: 1.0
Level: 2
Suggested Learning Need Codes: 4000, 4040, 6020, 9020

Price: Free for ADA members
* This webinar is limited to the first 1000 participants.

WSAND President

Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

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Melissa Molloy, MS, RDN, CD (2023-24 Washington State President)