Greater Spokane Dietetic Association

2024 Election Information

Are you interested in helping to shape our local dietetics community? For approximately 3 hours a month you can contribute to building a vibrant community for us all to thrive in! As we prepare for 2024-2025 GSDA elections, please consider running for one of our open positions (and encouraging others to do so too):

  • President-Elect: This is a 1-year position that automatically transitions into President the following year. In addition to the obvious duties of overseeing GSDA activities as a whole, the President-Elect's primary role is to organize 2-4 educational events. The President organizes 2-4 social events.
  • Treasurer: The GSDA Treasurer coordinates development of the annual budget with the entire board, maintains our PayPal account, arranges any needed payments, etc. This is a 2-year position.
  • Awards Chair: The Awards Chair oversees the student scholarship application and selection process in fall. They also nominate members for state-level awards in Dec/Jan, writing letters of recommendation on behalf of GSDA. This is a 2-year position.
  • Communications Chair: The Communications Chair compiles content from the board (and any other requests) and sends out a bi-monthly e-blast to members. This is a 2-year position.
  • Membership Chair: The Membership Chair maintains a membership directory and distributes it to members periodically. This individual also connects with state-level members and past members to promote membership. This is a 2-year position.
  • National Nutrition Month Chair: In collaboration with the President and President-Elect, this individual is responsible for planning 1-2 member and/or outreach activities in March. This is a 2-year position.
  • Diet Tech Representative: As most GSDA members are RDNs, the Diet Tech serves an important role in representing their profession, as well as any unique needs and/or interests of local DTRs. Because this position is traditionally difficult to fill, candidates may choose to serve a 1- or 2-year term.

Requirements: GSDA board members must maintain their Academy membership and their GSDA membership throughout their time on the board. If you are not a member currently, you must become one for the upcoming year prior to being included on the ballot. While we realize that life is busy, board members should make an effort to attend board meetings and participate in events throughout the year, as able. The GSDA board typically meets every other month throughout the year, starting with our annual "transition meeting" in June.

Benefits: In addition to professional development and service benefits, board members are also able to claim 3 free CEUs per year served. Service to GSDA also sets you up well for WA State Academy board positions and awards.

Process: Candidates should submit the following information to Julie ( by May 17, 2024 for inclusion on the ballot:

  • 1. Photo
  • 2. Brief biography
  • 3. Position you are running for
  • 4. Brief candidate statement
WSAND President

Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Welcome, members!

The 2024-2025 year presents various opportunities for you to engage and feel proud to be member of the WA Academy. As your President, I’m honored to serve you, and here to listen, learn, and collaborate with the board to meet your expectations. Tell us what you think - we want to hear from you!

Marissa Beck (2024-25 Washington State President)